PhD Master Class

Ph.D. Master Class on Modelling of Port and Coastal Protection Structures, with (in alphabetical order):

- Prof. Inigo Losada (IH Cantabria, Spain)
- Prof. Constantine Memos (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
- Prof. Roberto Tomassichio (University of Lecce, Italy)
- Prof. Peter Troch (Ghent University, Belgium)
- Dr. Marcel Van Gent (DELTARES, the Netherlands)


Ph.D. Master Class Registration form

Master Class will take place prior to the Coastlab14 conference, on Monday, September 29th 2014. PhD students, researchers (young and experienced), and professionals are warmly invited to participate in the Master Class.

The objective of this Master Class is to provide the participants with useful knowledge and discussion on issues dealing with physical and numerical modelling of water waves, currents, and their interaction with coastal structures.

In the morning experienced researchers will talk about the latest research results in their field of expertise, according to the needs and suggestions from participants. Lectures will be followed by interactive discussions.

In the afternoon parallel group sessions will be organised for discussing participants' research experiences and the day-by-day problems encountered. During the sessions the researchers within every group will have the opportunity to take the floor and present briefly in 5-minute-talk/presentation their research and to highlight the problems in order to trigger the discussion afterwards (information regarding questions should be send in advance).

Senior experts will chair every parallel group sessions while interacting between presenting researchers and the audience. Good practices exchange will be strongly encouraged during discussions.

During the Master Class, participants will have the possibility to meet and network with fellow researchers in a less formal manner. Apart from the regular registration, the participants will be asked to provide their short CV’s with photo, which will be distributed among the participants of the Master Class, to streamline scientific contacts, in the spirit of the objective of the event.

The intention of the organizers is to take in account the needs of the participants (PhD students, researchers, engineers), therefore prospective participants are strongly advised to suggest topics for lectures and discussions. Lecture themes/titles, and topics for panel discussions shall, in general, fall within the Coastlab14 topics.


The number of participants in the master class is limited, and therefore advantage will be given to those applicants who register to participate in the conference. As soon as the required number is filled, the organizers will prepare a List of participants, and will send written confirmation.

Applicants should confirm their participation, and pay the appropriate participation fee. Final List of participants, together with the CV’s and photos of all participants shall be circulated to all well before the conference to streamline scientific contacts, in the spirit of the objective of the event.

Master Class participants will be awarded a Certificate of attendance by the organisers.